Board Committees

We are committed to following best corporate governance practices. Corporate governance refers to the oversight mechanisms in place and the means by which Corporación América Airports is governed. This encompasses our processes and policies, how decisions are made, and how the Company handles the various interests of, and relationships with, our many stakeholders, including shareholders, customers, employees, regulators and the broader community.

Our articles of association provide that our business is to be managed and conducted by or under the direction of our board of directors. Our board of directors shall be composed of up to nine directors, appointed by the general shareholders meeting. The members of the board of directors shall be elected for a term not exceeding six years, and shall be eligible to stand for re-election. The general shareholders meeting shall also determine the number of directors, the remuneration and their term in office. In the event of any director vacancy, the remaining directors may elect, by majority vote, to fill such vacancy or vacancies at a meeting of the board of directors, until the following general shareholders meeting.

The SEC and NYSE require that corporations with shares listed on the exchange comply with certain corporate governance standards. As a foreign private issuer, we are only required to comply with certain SEC and NYSE rules relating to audit committees, certain SEC disclosure requirements and periodic certifications to the NYSE.