How many airports does Corporación América Airports operate and where are they located?
We currently operate 53 airports in 6 countries. We operate some of the largest and most important airports in the countries where we are present.
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Where are Corporación América Airports corporate headquarters?
We are a public limited liability company (société anonyme) incorporated under, and governed by, the laws of Luxembourg. Our headquarters and commercial offices are located in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The address is:
Corporación América Airports
4, rue de la Grêve
L-1643, Luxembourg
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How do I find Corporación América Airports’ corporate website?
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Under what Generally Accepted Accounting Principles does Corporación América Airports report?
Corporación América Airports prepares its financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).
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In what currency does Corporación América Airports reports its financial results?
The consolidated financial results are presented in U.S. dollars (US$).
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When is Corporación América Airports’ fiscal year-end?
The fiscal year ends on December 31st.
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Who are the Company’s Independent Auditors?
Price Waterhouse & Co. S.R.L.
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How do I know when Corporación América Airports will release its financial results?
Please subscribe to our E-mail Alerts to receive notice of upcoming corporate events. You may also request to receive all press releases and latest financial statements.
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Where are Corporación América Airports’ shares traded, and what is the ticker symbols?
Corporación América Airports’ common shares trade on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The ticker symbol is “CAAP”.
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When did the company's shares begin to trade?
Our Initial Public Offering, in which our shares began trading on the New York Stock Exchange took place on February 1st, 2018.
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Who are the analysts that provide research coverage of Corporación América Airports?
click here for the list of equity analysts that provide coverage of Corporación América Airports.
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Do all shareholders have the same voting rights?
Holders of our common shares are entitled to one vote per common share on all matters.
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How many Directors are on Corporación América Airports Board, and how long is the term of each Director?
Our board of directors shall be composed of up to nine directors, appointed by the general shareholders meeting. The members of the board of directors shall be elected for a term not exceeding six years, and shall be eligible to stand for re-election. The general shareholders meeting shall also determine the number of directors, the remuneration and their term of office. Please
click here for a list of our current directors.
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What percentage of your Board of Directors is defined as "independent" or "outside" (not related to management or to controlling shareholders)?
Currently three, or 43%, of our seven directors are considered independent.
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